Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Facts About Japan:Japanese flag Hinomaru

Japanese Flag Hinomaru

The national flag of Japan is called Hinomaru. Hinomaru in Japanese language mean circle of the sun.
The Council of State officially declared Hinomaru as national flag of Japan in 1870.
The Japanese are very proud of their national symbol. During national celebrations they display their Hinomaru.

The white colour in flag means honesty and purity and the red circle is a sun symbol meaning
brightness, sincerity and warmth.
The Hinomaru has been the symbol of Japan for centuries.
The first recorded incidence of the symbol's use is Japanese history belongs to the 12th century,
when red circles were painted on gunsen (folding fans) of bushi (samurai warriors).

Facts About Japan: Quick Facts About Japan

Facts About Japan: Quick Facts about Japan

Today we'll gonna present some quick and very interesting facts about Japan.

Those policemans who speak English wear red armband

Japan's unemployment rate is just above 3 percent.

The 5 main islands of Japan are Kyushu, Honshu, Hokkaido Shikoku and Okinawa.

National drink of Japan is the green tea

Japan is the biggest importer of food in the whole world.

Be carefull Japanese drive on the left side of the road.

Buddhism, Shintoism and Christianity are 3 biggest religions practiced in Japan.
Japan has 58 active volcanoes

More facts about Japan soon!

Facts About Japan: Japan after 1945

Facts About Japan: Japan after 1945
Modern Japan is a thriving country but after its defeat in WWII life was very hard for its people who had to cope with a black market economy and rampant inflation.

Japan Today 1946